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    H is for Hen – Animal Alphabet Free Coloring Page

    In the early morning, before the dawn,
    The hen wakes up with a sleepy yawn,
    She stretches her wings and greets the day,
    And off she goes to peck and play.

    Did you know?

    Did you know that hens are excellent problem-solvers? These clever birds are known for their ability to strategize and find innovative ways to access food and shelter. Hens are commonly found in farms and backyards, scratching the ground for insects and grains to eat. With their cozy nests and communal behaviors, they’re a delightful part of the poultry world.

    Hen on the free coloring page and poster.

    Animal Alphabet - H is for Hen - Poster and Poem
    Animal Alphabet – H is for Hen – Poster and Poem
    Animal Alphabet - H is for Hen - Coloring Page
    Animal Alphabet – H is for Hen – Coloring Page

    Support the Project and Bring Smiles: Plenty of Items to Buy.

    Refrigerator full of with animals magnets
    Animal Alphabet by Shubol 3D -All animals magnets
    Classic mug with hen
    Animal Alphabet by Shubol 3D – H is for Hen

    I firmly believe every child deserves equal access to opportunities, regardless of their parent’s financial status. That’s why I’m giving everything for free. It is my humble contribution to bring smiles to kids across the globe.
    However, keeping this project running and creating content comes with unavoidable costs.
    Be part of my effort and make yourself feel good twice
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    Sharing, liking, and commenting will help spread this project worldwide among children and parents. It’s free.
    Thanks for all the support. You are wonderful.

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